Translating Knowledge to Performance
The Learning Cycle, courtesy of Freidman CP, Rubin JC, Sullivan KJ, from IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2017, 1-8.
Building from the best of clinical quality improvement (similar to IHI) and traditional educational quality improvement (similar to the Carnegie Foundation), the mission of SIMPL is to establish and maintain the operational, collaborative, measurement, data, and analytic infrastructure to support continuous improvement of the medical education system. SIMPL Toolkits turn performance to data, SIMPL Member research turn data to knowledge, and through educational quality improvement, we turn that knowledge into real, measurable performance improvement for medical trainees.
SIMPL is supporting a member-created quality improvement pilot, know as the SIMPL Feedback Improvement Pilot- the first of its kind in procedural education. Learn about the pilot, check for updates, and more here.

The Society for Improving Medical Professional Learning (SIMPL) is a 501c3 nonprofit research collaborative lead by volunteers who are dedicated to working towards a continuously improving medical education system.