About the Society for Improving Medical Professional Learning


The Society for Improving Medical Professional Learning (SIMPL) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit international consortium working to implement a more evidence-based educational system. Governed by volunteer medical educators, SIMPL is pursuing that goal by translating the structures and processes first developed for clinical quality improvement collaboratives to educational quality improvement.

Since 2014, the SIMPL Network has grown to include over 200 training programs and thousands of medical educators in the US, and six other countries. SIMPL Network member programs have collectively developed and implemented robust, cutting-edge performance measurement and analytics infrastructure. SIMPL is the ideal partner for regulators and national organizations seeking to implement evidence-based, feasible, secure workplace-based assessment at scale. We have supported dozens of research trials, including many multi-institutional trials, resulting in over 70 publications. We have also partnered with many national stakeholders in that work, and continue to seek broad collaboration to improve the medical education system.

Finally, in building the infrastructure to support continuous quality improvement in medical education, we know that retaining, sharing, governing, and managing data is of the utmost importance. SIMPL is HIPAA-compliant organization, and is a listed AHRQ Patient Safety Organization (#231).


SIMPL Collaborative Members are working to measurably improve medical education. Learn more about us!

Research and Beyond

SIMPL has been built on evidence-based research, and SIMPL Members continue to contribute to the field, see how you can contribute.


SIMPL OR, SIMPL 2.0, and SIMPL Bedside are toolkits used to improve the quality of medical education feedback and assessment.

The Society for Improving Medical Professional Learning (SIMPL) is a 501c3 nonprofit research collaborative lead by volunteers who are dedicated to working towards a continuously improving medical education system.