SIMPL Leadership
SIMPL Ambassadors
All new members of SIMPL take part in an interactive training session that calibrates all trainees and faculty on how to properly use the scales in SIMPL. Presenting the validated SIMPL Training is not only important to ensuring that SIMPL users are well-calibrated raters, it is also a very high-touch opportunity to show new members the value of high-quality feedback. SIMPL Ambassadors help to inspire trainees and faculty to create a shared lexicon on developing progressive, safe, autonomy.
- Andreas Meier, MD MEd Dr med, Pediatric and General Surgery, State University of New York Upstate
- Jay Zwischenberger, MD, Cardiothoracic and General Surgery, University of Kentucky
- Kate Kraft, MD, Urology, University of Michigan
- Brian George, MD MAEd, Acute Care Surgery, University of Michigan
- Ben Zendejas-Mummert, MD Pediatric Surgery, Boston Children’s Hospital

The Society for Improving Medical Professional Learning (SIMPL) is a 501c3 nonprofit research collaborative lead by volunteers who are dedicated to working towards a continuously improving medical education system.