Supporting Big Ideas in Medical Education
Variability In Trainee Autonomy and Learning in Surgery (VITALS)
VITALS is a multi-site study aiming to create high-fidelity learning curves by collecting and harmonizing SIMPL data, ACGME case log data, and EMR data. The study began in 2018, and wrapped up data collection in June, 2022. Email study coordinator Greg Wnuk at for more information.
System for Improving Medical Procedural Learning in Urology Residencies (SIMPLUR)
The SIMPL in Urology Residency study, being led by University of Michigan Urology’s Kate Kraft now has 20 sites participating in this study that aims to gain insight on the preparedness of Urology trainees for independent practice. SIMPLUR continues to welcome new programs that want to contribute to this groundbreaking study- email
The 2022 SIMPL Feedback Improvement Pilot
The SIMPL Feedback Pilot is was a nationwide effort to ensure the readiness of the next generation of surgeons. Using a collaborative quality improvement (CQI) approach, this pilot built on the substantial work of SIMPL who represent thousands of trainees across multiple surgical specialties. Through the Pilot, members of SIMPL used the robust infrastructure of SIMPL to ensure that every surgeon is practice-ready upon graduation.

The Society for Improving Medical Professional Learning (SIMPL) is a 501c3 nonprofit research collaborative lead by volunteers who are dedicated to working towards a continuously improving medical education system.