Identifying and Addressing High Priority Issues in General Surgery Training and Education

JonathanFryer, MD, Mary Schuller, MS, Greg Wnuk, MHSA, Shari Meyerson, MD, Joseph Zwischenberger, MD, Andreas Meier, MD, Reed Williams, PhD, Brian George, MD 

Journal of Surgical Education. 2019 Jan – Feb. Epub 2018 Sep 20.



Complex problems are often easier to address when multiple entities collaborate. The Procedural Learning and Safety Collaborative (PLSC) was established to address complex problems in general surgery residency training by connectively engaging multiple residency programs in addressing progressive research questions.

Study Design

Recently, PLSC members held a national symposium which included leadership from several leading surgical societies to come to a consensus on what are the most critical issues in general surgery education.


This paper describes the process used and the end result of this process. This paper describes the process used and the end result of this process. 

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